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Yeah, kinda like how the use SWAT on regular joes but not often the violent offenders

Cops Say They Bust Prostitution Because It’s Easier Than Catching Career Criminals

2 Responses to “Yeah, kinda like how the use SWAT on regular joes but not often the violent offenders”

  1. Andrew Says:

    And driver license checkpoints, and using SWAT to serve misdemeanor warrants.

    Modern Policing has moved towards revenue generation in the last 20 years. Departments get money for serving warrants, for doing Fed approved projects.

    We the citizens need to gain control over our police and force them to do their jobs as protectors.

  2. Gerry Says:

    SWAT teams are expensive to equip and maintain. They end up doing everyday police work to justify the cost. In most cases it doesn’t make sense for a department to start one up.

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