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Congress on gun bills

Paul Ryan caves into the crybabies and says there will be a gun control vote. Why?

Harry Reid is confident there will be a gun control deal. Reid is likely still butthurt about NRA not endorsing him.

5 Responses to “Congress on gun bills”

  1. wizardpc Says:


    For the same reason they hold votes on bills [i]conservatives[/i] want but have no hope of passing.

    To make them shut up.

    “Oh, yeah, we voted on that, but it didn’t work. Sorry!”

  2. Fred Says:

    US Senate: 202-224-3121

    No Gun Control.
    No Secret Lists of Americans.

  3. Fred Says:

    US House:

    No Gun Control.
    No Secret Lists of Americans.

  4. mikee Says:

    Why does Speaker Ryan not toss in a vote on, say, nationwide open carry or nationwide car carry or any other desirable pro-rights gun law, in reciprocity of allowing a vote on restricting rights?

    Make the Dems play defense for a few votes, at least!

  5. wizardpc Says:

    mikee: because he doesn’t want any of those things.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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