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Gun Porn

Beeps suppressor wrap. No, I dunno what it does either.

Belt Fed Chainsaw Flare Launching Wonder Gun

Gen2 Glock. The surge in carrying plastic guns seems to make gun porn occasionally repetitive.

2 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. poobie Says:

    RE the suppressor wrap, I’d wager that it’s to give you a way to handle the thing after using it enough to make it hot. That’s the only thing that makes sense to my tiny IT work addled brain.

  2. Mike Says:

    I could see the sciences wrap significantly reducing the sound transmitted through the walls I’d the silencer. Imagine taking an empty soup can with a marble inside it and shaking it about. It would make quite a lot of noise. Now wrap the can tightly with a towel. It makes much less noise. I don’t know what fraction of the sound made by a suppressed weapon is the sound of the gas impacting the side walls of the suppressor tube but I could see such a wrap significantly reducing that sound. You should get the same effect from a towel duct taped to the can can anyone preform the experiment?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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