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The murder of police in Dallas

So, we all know it happened. A black guy, seen in photos doing the whole black power thing, went and started shooting at police. He wanted to kill white people.

Pretty much creating a new narrative for the press, I suppose.

Update: Title fixed. Stupid autocorrect.

3 Responses to “The murder of police in Dallas”

  1. Chas Says:

    As I just posted on Daily Caller:
    “It would be very easy to mock Micah. Dead fish in a barrel easy. But the real question is how did years of Obama hating on veterans affect him? How did years of capitalist America-hating, Marxism-loving Obama’s most miserable recovery ever deny him the opportunity to get a real job, and move out from living with his mother, and have a life of his own? I hate what he did, but I hate what was done to him, because it has been done to every American by this worst of presidents.”
    They’re balking at my reply to that, perhaps they don’t like a word I used, but here it is:
    “If Obama had a son like Micah, he wouldn’t give a shit about him. Because he didn’t.”
    Sometimes, you really have to reach into the heart of something, and understand it, and be less superficial because it really matters. We have a seriously bad president, and that really needs to change.

  2. wizardpc Says:

    Oh I’m sure they’ll have a reason why Trump and the NRA are to blame before the Sunday papers.

  3. Chas Says:

    Obama made this.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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