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Gun control: What you do instead of something

Forget new gun laws. Heres what could really keep people from shooting each other.

4 Responses to “Gun control: What you do instead of something”

  1. Fred Says:

    That’s interesting.

  2. Mike V. Says:

    A similar program with a proven track record is Project Ceasefire. Problem is, it requires the cooperation of the U S Attornies.

  3. JTC Says:

    Of course the answer is not gun control.

    Nor is it people control.

    And for that matter the answer is not and is never gov programs/activity/involvement of any kind. Quite the opposite.

    Get gov out of the drug war; decriminalize drug possession and use and the gangs, turf wars, mules, all disappear. And burglaries, robberies, assaults, etc. all diminish radically.

    Get gov out of the support biz; SSI “disability”, tax penalties for unmarried couples eliminated.

    Gov has destroyed the family by “helping” it to death. Leave people the fuck alone if they leave others alone, let them live their lives as they choose, for better or worse, and soon enough they’ll choose for better.

    It’s really so simple; gov can’t control shit and every time they try it’s a disaster that does far more societal harm than good…but that doesn’t keep it/them from trying again and again and more and more because it’s job security at this point from top to bottom, so it won’t happen.

  4. mikee Says:

    The program in Richmond seems to have been run well.

    A supposedly similar program run in LA ran into problems with corrupt operations, which ended up actually being nothing less than paying real criminals lots of money for nothing.

    A bureaucracy can destroy the best of intentions unless supervised closely by non-members.

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