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John Kerry poked his Easter Island looking head out of the ground to say something stupid

He equates air conditioners, refrigerators and, you know, progress with ISIS.

3 Responses to “John Kerry poked his Easter Island looking head out of the ground to say something stupid”

  1. Lyle Says:

    Well sure; if liberty is going to make the Earth uninhabitable, then of course it’s as bad and probably worse than ISIS. Once you’ve drunk the CoolAid you have to believe that.

    The Forces of Darkness knew well, at least as far back as the 1960s with the release of the book Silent Spring, that they had a winning lie on their hands, and they’ve been playing it ever since. Never mind that none of their dire predictions over the decades have come even close to coming true; they’ll stick to it no matter what. Eventually they’ll get a guess right, and then Katy bar the door.

  2. Veeshir Says:

    Easter Island looking head

    That’s what it looks like.

    That’s been driving me crazy…well…. making me wonder every time I couldn’t change the channel when that mug was there.

  3. Chas Says:

    There’s a petition to eliminate air conditioning at the State Department. I’d sign it, but it’s pointless. They do not believe their own rhetoric – it’s just crap for the masses. Kerry would be roasted on a spit if he shut off the A/C for his minions, and he knows it.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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