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Of course, he’s lying

Dan Gross of the Brady Campaign to Cling to Relevancy says the organization doesn’t want to ban guns. Except for assault weapons. And Saturday night specials. And handguns. And, well, guns.

5 Responses to “Of course, he’s lying”

  1. Lyle Says:

    Yup, and you’re being sent to a “shower” in the “work camp” for your “safety”.

  2. mikee Says:

    Compile a list with all types of firearms in one column.

    In the next column, put in an objection that anti-gun people have to that kind of firearm, fantastical though the objection may be.

    There is no type of firearm which the anti-gun people find acceptable for public use. They have an objection, frequently nonsensical, but an objection, for every type.

  3. Heck Says:

    Well, you could vote for Trump.

  4. Ron W Says:

    They only want to ban the guns that are used in the next newsworthy shooting. In the excellent book, “Boston’s Gun Bible”, the author, Kenneth Royce, says that if the gun banners really knew anything about guns, they would want to ban scoped, bolt action rifles, typically the ones they are willing to allow people to keep for hunting–for now.

    BTW, there was low profile reporting that the Dallas police assassin used a “relic” SKS to perp his dastardly act. So the news media was not interested in reporting since that rifle was not included in the AWB. They actually became a wanted firearm during the Clinton AWB.

  5. Chas Says:

    The Brady Bunch’s commie compadres in Europe are trying to ban muzzleloaders. You’re not supposed to notice that because it shows how radical gun banners mean to get, eventually, when they can.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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