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The illegal online weapons trade

Straight outta Kansas. I’m only familiar with the dark web stuff as much as what I read about it online. But I suppose some people think that would be a thing to use for such a thing.

4 Responses to “The illegal online weapons trade”

  1. Joe Huffman Says:

    I work with people who browse the dark web because it’s their job. There are lots of “interesting” things going on there. Thieves have reputations honesty and delivering the promised goods. You can get free samples of stolen property. There are “distributors” and “retail sales” people. It’s a worldwide black marketplace.

  2. mikee Says:

    From the article: “His international weapons operation offered anyone a virtual laundry list of weapons with brand names that have become disturbingly familiar:


    One of these things is not like the others,
    One of these things just doesn’t belong
    Can you tell which thing is not like the others
    By the time I finish my song?

  3. SPQR Says:

    That’s easy, Mike, “Uzi” isn’t a brand name duh.

  4. Davidwhitewolf Says:

    Met a guy just two days ago as part of a potential national chain restaurant sale who claimed his real job was arranging financing for arms deals; while the dark web was not mentioned, I had my suspicions. Interesting stuff.

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