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What I missed not having a gun magazine

Now that Shooting Illustrated is one of the NRA flagship publications, I, as a life member, get one shipped to my house every month. I hadn’t really gotten an actual, physical gun magazine in a long time. And I guess you miss a lot when you don’t see the latest gun advertisements in those magazines. I’d never heard of the 7.5 FK BRNO until recently. Quite a lot of claims about the caliber which, if true, would make it pretty impressive. But at, reportedly, $5K for a gun that shoots it, it will be a tough sell.

11 Responses to “What I missed not having a gun magazine”

  1. Jacob Says:

    The 7.5 Fuck Bruno?

  2. Chas Says:

    A “Shooting Illustrated” magazine is now an NRA “flagship” publication? Egads! They’re coming up in the world! And to think, those NRA types were once regarded as a bunch of savage, redneck cretins! Oh, they still are? Well, that’s those commie, left-wing, Hillary ass-kissers at CNN for you, but they’re number 3 and falling in the current ratings, though I’ve always thought of them as simply “Number Two”. Especially you, Mafia Don Lemon.

  3. Fred Says:

    You mean a clip, right?

  4. SPQR Says:

    They reinvented the 7.62×25 … Big whoopdedoo

  5. Ravenwood Says:

    I signed up months ago and have yet to receive the first issue.

  6. Tam Says:

    They reinvented the 7.62ื25 … Big whoopdedoo

    …Except with 20% more bullet weight and more than half again the muzzle energy.

  7. Jay G. Says:

    Thanks, Unc!

  8. mikee Says:

    Today I looked for the FK 7.5 BRNO ammo at my local Walmart but could not find this caliber for sale.
    Therefore, does it actually exist?

    I mean, sure, .22LR is also a mythical caliber by this standard, but for a new caliber with no gun being sold to shoot it, I would not expect the hoarders to have gotten it all off the store shelves so quickly.

  9. harp1034 Says:

    New calibers come out all the time. The only one to really catch hold in recent years is the .40 S&W. .357 Sig and 10mm Auto have had some modest success.

  10. SPQR Says:

    Well, sure Tam. It’s 7.62×25+P ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. SPQR Says:

    Well the wink emotional died a horrible autocorrect death.

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