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Always carry a knife. I don’t always carry a gun* but I do always carry a knife.

* OK, that’s likely technically true because I have to go to schools.

4 Responses to “Truth”

  1. nk Says:

    Aichmophiles of the world unite!

  2. dandydon Says:

    I was in DC last week. I felt naked without a firearm. We went to visit one of the Smithsonian museums, so on the advice of people who had been there, I left my EDC in our hotel room. Is it possible to feel double naked? That is what I felt. Maybe naked and everybody pointing and laughing is how that felt. It was uncomfortable. I’ll tell you what. It felt good to get back to America (Texas in my case). When I consider it, it is sad to feel that way.

  3. mikee Says:

    I usually forget that I have a small but really sharp Gerber folder on my keychain, right up until I either need to open a well-taped package or right up until I am emptying my pockets at security for entry to a secure courthouse.

    Those walks back out to the truck to leave my deadly 1.5″ babyknife in the glove compartment are the worst. They are more than made up for, when I can get the UPS box opened myself at work without going to a toolbox for a shiv.

  4. Andrew Says:

    When I go to my son’s school I have to give myself a pat down to make sure I don’t carry anything in.
    That’s okay, but I’m pretty sure even the Leatherman would be considered a weapon due to having a blade.

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