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Quote of the day

Kevin D. Williamson:

These people are parasites. They make: nothing. They create: nothing. They produce: nothing. But they feel perfectly justified they positively glow with moral frisson standing between the people who create and build and the people who benefit from those creations. And they dont just stand there: They stand there with their hands out.

It’s true of most politicians.

5 Responses to “Quote of the day”

  1. Jason Says:

    Except the actual medicine that goes in an epipen is dirt cheap. You can get a multi-use vial of Epi which is ~100 worth of doses for less than $50.

    While the politicians are ticks on society, this democratic senator’s daughter who jacked up the price isn’t any better.

  2. wildbill Says:

    I can’t afford to keep epi-pens now. I’ll just have to call 911 and have an ambulance take me to the emergency room and let the insurance company (and all ya’ll thru your premiums) pay for it, so a bunch of rich people can get richer. The American way. And if I don’t make it to the ER in time, the insurance company (and all ya’ll thru your premiums) can pay my wife, so a bunch of rich people can get richer.

  3. Billll Says:

    The expression you’re looking for is “rent seekers” but after this January, a company will only have to donate slightly more to the Clinton Foundation than its competitors to get around the FDA and get the product to market. Problems like inflexible bureaucracies often bring their own solutions with them.

  4. Phenicks Says:

    Make it easy and threaten to void the patent so generics can be made. Or allow the patent office to license very close competitors.
    The problem is we have allowed lobbyist to write the epi-pen into law as a requirement in schools and other places. There are hundreds of pre-drawn insulin applicators, but only 1 epinephrine one?

  5. rickn8or Says:

    Phenicks, your plan would work, except every new Epi-pen competitor entering the market has to go through the FDA, who treats it just like the original certification.

    We’re talking years here…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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