Sig loses appeal
A court rules that a device that does not diminish the sound signature of a firearm in anyway is a silencer. Yes, Sig basically took the innards of a suppressor and welded it to a gun.
A court rules that a device that does not diminish the sound signature of a firearm in anyway is a silencer. Yes, Sig basically took the innards of a suppressor and welded it to a gun.
Texas AG suing Austin for no guns policy. The city has been told to remove the signs or face fines. Fines the tax payers will pay.
Harry Reid not to be prosecuted for breaking the law. This seems to be a pattern with democrats in power.
Everybody is into red dots: Glock MOS Pistols
Trigger warning. A couple of weeks ago, I installed a couple of Apex triggers on some M&Ps. Hope to get them to the range soon.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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