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Gun Porn

Spend $15K for a small piece of metal and you get a free gun:

lighting link

10 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. aerodawg Says:

    I’ve got an 80% lightning link laying in the back yard. AKA a hunk of sheet metal….

  2. Geoff Says:

    Bump Fire or Slide for me, WAAAAAYYY cheaper. And legal.

  3. Roger V. Tranfaglia Says:

    Ok, a lot of us aren’t gunsmiths….these pieces of metal need a 15k tax stamp, and a 3 year waiting period for full auto….or what?

  4. mikee Says:

    So if the DPMS AR15 is the “host”, does that make the Lightning Link the parasite?

  5. Geoff Says:

    Roger, the Lightning Link is the ATF Registered Machine Gun. Yeah, stupid, but that’s the way it is. Just like there are a few Drop In Auto Sears (DIAS) still around that are ATF Registered Machine Guns, also cost around the same.
    AFAIK, the rifle must be pre-5/19/1986 (Hughes Amendment to FOPA) to legally be converted to full auto. The Tax Stamp is $200, but the Link is $15,000.
    It would be illegal to install the Link in a new AR-15.
    I would guess the rifle included is the one married to the Link, cannot put it in any other rifle.

  6. Geoff Says:

    DPMS has been around since 1985, so this rifle and Link could have been registered before the Hughes Amendment. And with the rifle S/N 2020, that seems likely.

  7. Doc Says:

    Geoff- no, a registered LL can be put into any AR with compatible parts (SP1 style carrier, etc), since the LL is the machine gun. It doesn’t convert the AR into a machinegun, it simply is one. That’s the advantage of having a LL

  8. Geoff Says:

    Doc, can you cite the ATF ruling on that?

  9. Geoff Says:

    Well, I did some searching, and from Wikipedia.
    Scroll down to Parts associated with NFA items.
    So it would seem that owning anything that can convert a AR-15 to Full Auto would be illegal if you own a AR-15.
    So a DIAS and LL are registered, but a FA FCG is not.
    So the way I read this, is if you DO NOT own a AR-15, you can own a FA FCG (The parts by themselves are not regulated. I can tell you where to buy them for $85). But if you have a AR-15 it would be illegal to own a FA FCG, as that would be “Constructive Intent”, unless you already own a registered M-16 or AR-15 MG.
    Note the Auto Sear on the right.
    As to installing a registered DIAS or LL transferred on a Form 4 into a modern AR-15, I can’t find anything on that, yet.
    BTW, it isn’t that difficult to convert a AR-15 Lower to accept the Full Auto Lower Parts Kit, it’s just illegal to do so. (Some Bad Guys in strict gun control California go caught doing so).

  10. ShallNOTBeInfringed Says:

    So a modern AR lower will not physically accept the lower parts kit you linked? That might be the fly in the Constructive Intent ointment.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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