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Trump and the NRA: A Q&A

Chris Cox interviews Donald Trump. His answers seem pretty good for gun rights.

6 Responses to “Trump and the NRA: A Q&A”

  1. Jacob Says:

    This is the same BS they did with John McCain back in ’08.

  2. Ron W Says:

    I would rather he say, I will work within the contraints of Constitutional delegated powers for which the Federal Government has NONE for gun control laws for the People.

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Unless you listened to the Debate…

  4. Michael Says:

    Weer’d is right. The NRA needs to realize that if they don’t hold his feet to the fire now, they’ll have zero leverage over him if he gets elected. Meanwhile, too many folks already think they are just the Nat’l Republican Association. The NRA is just undercutting their own legitimacy when they bend over for the Donald. They need to be a gun rights organization, not yet another partisan rally squad.

  5. Ron W Says:

    If they’re gonna endorse as a gun rights organization, it should be for Darrel Castleman of the Constitution Party who supports repealing ALL Federal Gun laws since the Federal Government has NO delegated powers for any gun laws that infringe on the rights of the People.

  6. Ron W Says:

    Correction to my #5 comment: the Constitutionalist gun rights presidential candidate is Darrel Castle.

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