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The Trumpening

The Chicago Tribune endorses Gary Johnson for president. A few other smaller papers have done the same but this seems like kind of a significant development.

8 Responses to “The Trumpening”

  1. Tim Says:

    A clear indicator they believe DJT will win. Chicago supporting a libertarian is one of the four signs of the apocalypse.

  2. Ron W Says:

    @Tim, Gary Johson seems to me to have a lot of leftist philosophy mixed in with his libertarianism. I voted for Ron Paul, but Gary, you’re no Ron Paul.

  3. Divemedic Says:

  4. Fred Says:

    What do you do when you choice is one of three dems for pres? Buy more ammo, that’s what.

  5. JTC Says:

    Listen, if a chitown paper endorsed the beast they know they would be stupid…if they endorsed the Donald they know they would be dead…this little retard was a pretty safe bet, and gets ’em some points for cool:

    Remember the pic of the basement dweller at Tam’s asking “Do you know what caliber I’m shooting? Probably not, it’s pretty obscure.”

    Yeah, like that.

  6. JTC Says:

    Sorry, it was gun, not caliber:

    Hilarious though. And you know that hipster doofus is a GJ man.

  7. Leatherwing Says:

    It is still just an attempt to influence the outcome. If they endorse Clinton, no one would be surprised and Trump supporters would ignore it. No voters will swing from Hillary to Johnson. The only votes they might swing are from Trump to Johnson.
    I don’t believe this has anything to do with actual support for Johnson. If you can’t stop Trump supporters, you may be able to deflect them.

  8. Ron W Says:

    @Divemedic, thanks, good link comparing the candidates on some key issues. I noticed that Clinton is for REQUIRED vaccination. That’s a contradiction since she claims to be pro-choice. I suppose she would exempt women–and girls, since they have a right to have control over their own bodies. But isn’t that gender discrimination? I thought she opposed that?

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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