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Brady Campaign to Cling to Relevancy Scrapes the Bottom of the Barrel

That may be the dumbest thing I’ve seen in a while.

5 Responses to “Brady Campaign to Cling to Relevancy Scrapes the Bottom of the Barrel”

  1. uscitizen Says:

    Dumber than dumb, but hey, they have all those $oros dollar$ to spend, so WTH?

  2. Rich P Says:

    They’re were aiming for satire and instead hit stupid.

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    Gotta love that the ONLY initiative they’re pitching is Universal Background Checks.

    UBC is kinda like Global Warming, there is NOTHING it can’t do!

  4. seerak Says:

    Saw the URL and thought they were trying to reanimate that 70’s horror flick “It’s Alive” again.

  5. John Yossarian Says:

    Duh, Not the Toddlers nor the Guns – The Parents.

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