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There are no stupid questions

Just stupid people.

2 Responses to “There are no stupid questions”

  1. treefroggy Says:

    There are no stupid questions , just a lot of inquisitive idiots .

  2. Lyle Says:

    Once you understand that lies can be adored, and that the dumber the statement, in some circles, the more respected the speaker, then you’ll begin to see the world the way it is. After that realization, things won’t be so confusing or exasperating.

    To her fans and fellow travelers, that dumb, drunk, ignorant bitch’s statements are bold and wonderfully insightful, probably bordering on genius. Look to what a “strong woman” she is, having gone through all the things she has endured… Surely she has acquired great wisdom through her sufferings and thus should be listened to at every opportunity.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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