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The future of democrats

I wonder if they’ll soon be a regional party:

There are 34 seats to be decided in the 2018 midterms. Twenty-six are held by Democrats and one by Bernie Sanders, the socialist independent from Vermont.

Republicans have to defend just eight. Only two of those races will occur in states that had relatively close margins for Trump: Nevada, which Trump lost, and Arizona, which Trump won. The Republicans in those states, Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona and Sen. Dean Heller of Nevada, will likely be targeted.

Democrats are up for re-election in 10 states won by Trump.

If those Democrats obstruct and block the Trump agenda, they could suffer strong challenges in the 2018 midterm elections.

Usually, the party out of the White House does well in the first midterm elections. The Republicans won historic margins in 1994 and 2010.

The Dems took a beating and may take another.

12 Responses to “The future of democrats”

  1. HL Says:

    They out-breed us. It’s only a matter of time.

  2. SPQR Says:

    They are a regional party, see third map

  3. Thirdpower Says:

    Don’t underestimate the GOP’s ability to grasp defeat out of the jaws of victory.

  4. Adam Lawson Says:

    Pretty much what Thirdpower said.

    Short of the Stupid Party being epic stupid, they should at least hold in 2018.

    Also, with Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi (apparently), and Howard Dean (DNC chair, possibly), I’m pretty sure they won’t win over many midwest/southern hearts.

  5. Fred Says:

    Nice, concise summary.

    Linked at

  6. Kevin Baker Says:

    I’m hoping against all hope that Flake will have a primary opponent. I’m sick and tired of his sh!t and want to see him gone as much as I want to see McLame gone. The Republicans can do better, and damn well ought to.

  7. Publius Says:

    I will vote for the occasional Republican, but I do not care to associate myself too closely with the party. The religious right, associated socons, and Bush-style neocons pretty well ruined it for me.

  8. Michael Says:

    This nadir really ain’t that much worse than where the GOP was, 8 years ago. Hell, at that time, the Dems even had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate.

    And, all this is before Drafty McBonespur takes his first executive action, and before some wrongheaded GOPers defend said action.

    Don’t get cocky, kid.

  9. HSR47 Says:

    We need to push as hard as we possibly can in 2018, because the party ratio in 2020 is roughly reversed.

    While many of the R seats in the class that is out in 2020 are in states that currently seem “safe” that may not remain the case if the Dems run a better candidate in 2020, or if Trump reneges on too many of his campaign promises and thus pisses off too much of his base.

    If the left run someone like E. Warren, we might be safe. If they run another B.H. Obama, we’re pretty much fucked.

  10. Ron W Says:

    Regardless of demographics or political parties, everyone ( except authoritarian politicians and criminals) wants peace, prosperity and liberty. Promote and foster that and it will be a winning political agenda.

  11. rickn8or Says:

    I don’t see the Dems running a woman for President in Hillary’s lifetime; no way she’s going to allow another woman to be the first woman President.

  12. mikee Says:

    Pence might be the next President after Trump. Or, the Republicans could nominate a strong Thatcher-esque female candidate in 2020 (I’m presuming Trump won’t run again at age 74). That would be something to see.

    Palin as VP candidate caused lefty heads to turn into quivering bowls of deranged outrage. A female Republican presidential candidate with a more solid resume might see lefty heads completely exploded.

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