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A mom kicks her child out and verbally abuses him because he voted for Trump in a mock election. The police are investigating.

5 Responses to “Tolerance”

  1. treefroggy Says:

    What are they planning on charging the kid with ?

  2. Michael Says:

    What’s dumber, what the mom did, or the fact the po-po felt the need to get involved?

  3. Lyle Says:

    Treefrggy; the kid mock voted for Trump. The police couldn’t just stand by idle and let him get away with it.

  4. MajMike Says:

    DemCong tolerance in action.

  5. mikee Says:

    My question is, why would that child ever return to the Democrat fold after being shown that level of intolerance by his own mother? Keep an eye on him, mentor him, get him a scholarship to Hillsdale, and get him in Congress on our side in a few decades.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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