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Stop touching it

School resource officer, alone in a room, discharges a handgun.

3 Responses to “Stop touching it”

  1. Ravenwood Says:

    What’s scary is that the guy is a deputy for the local sheriff’s office.

    …but only the police should have guns.

    I actually built a bullet trap out of a homo depot bucket and some paver sand. That when I’m smithing or cleaning, I have something to point my guns into in case they accidentally discharge when loading/unloading.

  2. mikee Says:

    So we have a firearm discharged by a person alone in a room, and the projectile, or maybe wall material, strikes a person in the next room without physical injury.

    That is what the article presents as facts, with no further details. The comments are wonderful in covering rather rapidly the entire spectrum of thoughtful to idiotic.

    A quick review of the situation says we need more facts to determine what happened. Beyond that, we are speculating.

  3. Paul Says:

    7 lb trigger pull and hammer must be pulled back [ for P238] or 10 lb trigger pull on DA for P232 . No accident .

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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