Quote of the day
This is our historic moment to go on offense
Assuming Trump dances with who brung him.
Via Knoxviews, who is none too happy.
This is our historic moment to go on offense
Assuming Trump dances with who brung him.
Via Knoxviews, who is none too happy.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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November 28th, 2016 at 8:55 pm
Knoxviews. “Progressive citizen media for EastTN.”
I always suspected such a place existed on the intertubes. And there it is; do they weep for humanity like Democratic Underground?
Oh look, an RSS feed. Subscribed.
November 29th, 2016 at 3:10 am
I’ll believe it when I see it.
November 29th, 2016 at 8:00 am
They are lining up to play Lucy to our Charlie again: holding the reciprocity football just so we can kick and miss again.
The GOP is going to drop mega-Billions on “infrastructure” and no Dem can turn that down. It will pass through the Senate with all kinds of riders. Will reciprocity, NFA reform and other real 2A protections be one of them?
My guess is “no”. The GOPe loves to dick gun owners because they really don’t like us, but they do like our votes. So they play the game thinking that so long as we never get the protections we need we will have no other choice than to give them (NRA) money and (GOPe) power.
If you see any pro-gun standalone bill, you are getting played for a fool. If they are serious about 2A, they will make pro-gun measures amendments to legislation that will actually pass through the Senate and hit Trump’s desk.
Spread the word, because this time we really need to fight back and demand they keep their word.
November 30th, 2016 at 1:08 pm
“This is our historic moment to go on offense”
Yeah Patric beat me to it. That’s what Charlie Brown says every…single…fucking time. “This is my historic moment to kick that football…” It’s always Lucy too; she’s Charlie’s only hope for ever being able to kick a football. You suggest to Charlie that maybe, just perhaps, someone else on the planet might be able to hold a football for him; Charlie will flip out, attack you and defend Lucy.
Yeah; we’ve seen this rodeo over and over and over and over and….
This rodeo is so old, so repetitive, so tiresome, so predictable, that Jesus was talking about it two thousand years ago. Of course, in this enlightened age no one remembers a word of it, not even the Christians.