Speaking of going on offense
The NRA is ready to go on offense. I have no doubt. But as I said below, I doubt the Republican commitment to going on offense is all that strong. We shall see.
The NRA is ready to go on offense. I have no doubt. But as I said below, I doubt the Republican commitment to going on offense is all that strong. We shall see.
Massad Ayoob has a look at the bill:
As written, it would appear that a resident of, say, San Francisco who currently pretty much has to get elected to the citys Board of Supervisors to qualify for a permit, would be able to carry in their home city on a non-resident permit from Utah or Florida if HR 38 became the law of the land. And their law-abiding friends and relatives all over the country could carry for their and their loved ones protection while visiting.
I’m still skeptical of the Republican commitment to actually go on offense for gun rights.
I tell friends often that there is not much that I do for a house that can’t be learned by watching youtube videos: Using nothing but YouTube tutorials, woman built house from the ground up
I always sort of understood it. But this video shows how it turns money into noise:
Because suddenly the left and the press (but I repeat myself) are concerned with executive power.
For fatal firearms accidents. And people have bought more guns than ever in the last eight years. Progressive!
A while back, ATF confiscated 6,000 80% lowers. Then, after some legal wrangling, had to give them back. ATF still maintains that the lowers are firearms.
So, Trump, like Obama, also has a pen. And a phone. The latter he mostly seems to use to annoy people on the internet. The former, he’s zapping off Executive Orders pretty quick. Here’s a guide to his 17 executive orders. Mostly, they seem aimed at undoing the previous administration. And a couple are for cutting government hiring and regulations.
One EO, he instructions the non-elected bureaucrats that to have one regulation approved, they must repeal two. My guess is they’ll just write longer ones with more details in them. But, overall, I think it’s hysterical and hope that it results as intended: trimming the .gov.
And it couldn’t happen to a nicer group: EPA Employees Coming to Work in Tears Because of Trump Win
Given my line of work, I hope Trump looks into stormwater regulations.
Has been introduced in the House and Senate. We’ll see if the Rs dance with those that brung them.
I received my ballot a few days ago and was wondering what all the bylaw change hubbub was about. Well, David Hardy lays it out. If you read the comments, however, it doesn’t appear that to be language clean up. Rather, it appears to be enacting incumbent protection. Notably, Jeff Knox lays out the case for voting no.
The Arms Guide reports that the contract with Sig calls for it. On the one hand, it’s good that they’ll be getting more modern ammunition. On the other, isn’t there some bizarre ban on them using HPs?
The press is suddenly concerned about overseas deaths in the War on Terror again.
The National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) applauds the settlement reached in Vreeland v. City of Knoxville. This settlement strikes a reasonable balance between the right to carry firearms in public parks within Knoxville, as guaranteed by Tennessee law, and the citys use of Chilhowee Park as a secure facility for private or ticketed events. At its core, this settlement reaffirms that individuals have the right to defend themselves with lawfully possessed firearms throughout Tennessee.
I was unaware it was settled and found the NRA’s statement to be short on detail. A little searching and I find that the ban on carry is lifted when there’s not a ticketed event. And guns are not allowed in the buildings. Doesn’t strike me as a worthy of NRA’s applause, personally.
A new state law designed to expand background checks at Virginia gun shows has resulted in only one person being denied the purchase of a weapon at 41 weekend events during the first six months of the initiative, which required $300,000 in funding to hire three new state police employees.
Time, expense and added bureaucracy for that. And the one guy who got busted apparently wasn’t too bright:
A 21-year-old Richmond man tried to purchase a firearm from a private seller at a gun show at the Richmond International Raceway complex Nov. 12-13. But when he agreed to undergo a voluntary background check at the sellers request, he was denied because he had an outstanding felony warrant for his arrest from Richmond, state police said. Troopers immediately took him into custody.
A man with a bionic penis landed a deal to do a porn movie.
The future is stupid.
This time they blame Chicago’s gun violence on gun dealers. It’s the fault of federally licence firearms dealers who don’t even operate in the city.
Right here:
Fast forward to about the three minute mark.
Sparky, has it occurred to you to use a holster? I mean, I store all of my guns in a holster. Particularly the bed side gun.
Seen at the local home improvement store:
Note: the sign was not posted at the store. Rather, they sold them.
A White House petition. Much like the repeal the NFA one I linked before, I don’t think much gets done by petition.
Honestly, both of these petitions have fewer signatures than I thought they’d have. But a group of people that, generally, are leery of being on government lists probably aren’t inclined to sign up for a government list.
Some more information from WeaponsMan. In the past, such markings were ruled OK. But the ATF has a history of making things up on a case by case basis. The agency really needs some consistency.
If you make a product that is called a solvent trap and sold with a wink wink nudge nudge, don’t be surprised if the ATF takes an interest. And if you bought one, I’d suggest a boating accident.
So reports Joe. And I’ve shot the Microsoft Gun Club Object Embedding Tool.
Rand Paul has proposed a replacement to the ACA. I’m rather fond of allowing for tax deductions for health insurance. Then I can stop this ridiculous salary I pay to me. And I’m glad to see Health Savings Accounts return.
Hipsters play Russian roulette with guns that emit an electric shock.
Cyborg dragonflies. Yeah, that’s right.
A study of theirs from 2011 states:
The only potentially effective noise control method to reduce students or instructors noise exposure from gunfire is through the use of noise suppressors that can be attached to the end of the gun barrel. However, some states do not permit civilians to use suppressors on firearms.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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