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Gun Porn

DO WANT: A .500 Magnum Lever-Action

KGMADE EOS-22 Integrally Suppressed 10/22 Barrel. That is sexy.

5 Responses to “Gun Porn”

  1. Tim Says:

    500 magnum in an 18″ barrel is basically a 45-70 equivalent, isn’t it?

  2. Chris L Says:

    I have the 50 Beowulf and it’s an amazing rifle and round. It packs a wallop on both ends. Every time I let a round loose everyone around me turns, cocks their head, and give me that “WTF was that” look. It’s so entertaining. Best part… It obliterates everything it hits!
    500 Magnum lever gun? Hell yea I want one!

  3. Alien Says:

    There’s lotsa pent-up demand for a lever rifle in 500 S&W, but this version needs some, uh, “adjustments.” A barrel-length magazine, for one (more rounds is always much more betterer, especially if the barrel is 20″, but I could live with an 18) and price. Price could come down (but rarely does, once the floor is set) with economies of scale due to higher volume sales and competition from other makers once the depth and breadth of the market is demonstrated.

    Cor-Bon produces a 440 grain hard cast SWC load in 500 S&W that closely matches 12 gauge slug loads for velocity, and, hence, energy, in a 6-inch wheelgun; it’s a real handful in a revolver, in a rifle, well…..reach the right price point on these and we’ve seen the last of hot .45-70s.

  4. Ryan Says:

    Those Big Horn rifles are beautiful. I went a much more inexpensive route and bought a used H&R Handi Rifle in 500SW. It exceeds the 45-70 and gets into the low end of the Nitro Express range. Not unpleasant to shoot unless you reload them pretty hot.

  5. Lyle Says:

    Yeah; the review on the 500 doesn’t give any chrono results. I’ve seen too many of these reviews that either leave out such information, or they close with an excuse about their “old eyes” and leave us guessing as to the gun’s inherent accuracy. In this case he did both, so it’s still a shade batter than the five-star reviews that end with; “I can’t wait to get it out to the range!”

    When I first saw that 500 lever gun a year or so back, I was pretty stoked about it, but then it occurred to me that the only practical reason to have one in that specific caliber is if you’re planning to have both the revolver and the levergun. In that case, absolutely, it’s very cool. Otherwise one of the other Thumper calibers would do as well. The Co-Pilot also has my attention, or a regular Marlin in 45-70…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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