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The party of smaller government

Governor Haslam wants to raise gas taxes. How about no?

7 Responses to “The party of smaller government”

  1. Lyle Says:

    There you are, always being negative. “No” to this, “no” to that. No, no, no.

  2. Justin Says:

    At some point gas taxes will have to be raised. With cars getting better gas miles or going electric, the money raised from the tax will be going down. That said, I will only back a new gas tax if the money only goes to road and not something else.

  3. Mike V Says:

    How about “Oh he’ll no!” Gas tax money isn’t just used for roads. If it were, there’d be plenty of money. Instead, it’s used for “transportation” projects like the purchase of buses and trolleys, and even walking/bike paths.

    When the gas tax it only spent for roads and it runs short, then I’ll support an increase.

  4. Erik Says:

    It all goes into the same treasury and can be used anyway they want to. You cannot earmark taxes and expect them never to be used but in that one way. Tennessee use to earmark its gas taxes and then Sundquist decided to balance the budget on it.

    Quick fact. Every republican governor had a plan to raise taxes.

  5. Erik Says:

    Sorry, every republican governor Tennessee has elected has had a plan to raise taxes.

  6. wizardpc Says:

    Here’s an idea: use the gas tax for ROAD projects and not “transportation” projects like bike paths, greenways, and planting flowers.

    But I’m all for the extra registration tax on electric vehicles that pay no gas taxes.

  7. HL Says:

    Make it more expensive to drive here! Surely that will help the local economy!

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