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From Where Great Britain Used To Be, this is a terrifying arsenal:

9 Responses to “Journalism”

  1. Ravenwood Says:

    ROTFLOL!!! Heads would explode if they saw the average American gunner’s cache.

  2. Stretch Says:

    Nothing there from the 20th Century let alone the 21st.
    Wanna bet none of them actually fire?

  3. Huck Says:

    They’d really be shitting crumpets if they saw what I have and how much ammo I have for them. Even though none of them are “evil black rifles”. Unless my Maverick HS-12 counts as one.

  4. OW Says:

    I can’t help but notice the Adams(?) revolver third from left is missing… almost everything. Did someone steal an out of spec frame from the factory scrap bin 150 years ago, or is this one of those cap and ball ghost guns I keep hearing about?

  5. Hartley Says:

    Most of those look more dangerous to the operator than to anyone they were aimed at. The SAA copy looks odd to me – anyone recognize it?

  6. NotClauswitz Says:

    The Colt Single Action looks suspiciously plastic and fake. The little Bulldog on the left with the folding trigger however looks cute.

  7. OW Says:

    Yeah, that SAA is a Kolser M1873 cap gun. Note the “cylinder stops” take up the entire back half of the cylinder and the front sight is a little flatter than the original. You can buy them for about $80, which gives me an idea for the next gun buyback…

  8. Maxwell Says:

    Wow. Apparently I’m much, much badder than I’d previously imagined.

  9. qmony Says:

    Well one of them is a toy cap gun, the others qualify as ancient archeological relics and the whole thing is 100% bullshit. These fools would go into National Defcon 4 Lockdown if they saw my work guns not to mention my CCW guns and also not to mention my truck guns

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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