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That greedy soda industry

That is, of course, who politicians blame when the tax they passed costs people their jobs:

One of the citys largest beverage distributors is planning to cut 20 percent of its workforce; grocery stores across the city are also planning to shed jobs.

Seriously, the mayor is an idiot.

4 Responses to “That greedy soda industry”

  1. Lyle Says:

    “…the mayor is an idiot.”

    That, or the mayor is getting exactly the planned result, and is therefore pretty clever for having gotten people to believe that it was about saving people’s physical health or some such.

    Judeo/Christian Civilization is under attack, and we’re still arguing over the enemy’s tactical distractions. That makes them the clever ones, and us the idiots.

  2. Fred Says:

    Brother Lyle recognizes evil and calls it by name. If only we could get a good 25 percent of the population to start doing that (again) we might be able to fix this dump country.

  3. Patrick Henry, the 2nd Says:

    The best part is the two stated goals for the tax- Pre-K funding and healthier people- are diametrically opposed. More funding needs more tax income, while healthier people drink less meaning less tax income. It makes no sense!

  4. Ravenwood Says:

    He was quoted as being shocked that they are passing the tax along to their customers. I guess he’s never actually bought anything or read a sales receipt.

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