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Today, in bad gun handling

French sharpshooter injures two after he negligently discharged his gun. He also shot himself in the foot. Sounds like a little too much booger-hook on the bang-switch.

A VA lawmaker left his handgun unattended in a meeting room. As if that wasn’t bad enough, he also loses points for off body carry and not having a round in the chamber. That’ll get you killed on the streets.

6 Responses to “Today, in bad gun handling”

  1. Phelps Says:

    Frenchie prob saw a Muslim and his gun went off as he dropped it to surrender.

    (I almost feel bad for making that joke after there were the handful of Parisian cops who ran into the Bataclan shooting.


  2. Jim W Says:

    It doesn’t look like the shooter was injured, just the two bystanders.

  3. Brad Says:

    “Nous sommes les seuls…”

    I guess the French do fire their rifles occasionally.

  4. Ron Says:

    Because that’s how you get killed on the streets…


  5. Siergen Says:

    That looks like a SneakyPete holster. I’m wearing one on my belt as I type this – I have no idea why you would want to carry it loose…

  6. RandyGC Says:

    Re the VA congresscritter, from my read on the article, looks like it’s more he should lose points for poor holster selection/RTFM on how to use that particular holster than for off body carry. I don’t think he was intending the off body part.

    Either way he qualifies for a good old fashioned Bugs Bunny “What a Maroon” award.

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