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That’s a long way to the range

Chinese tourists like to come to America to shoot guns. The Japanese do too. We have a Japanese owned company that operates in The City (My The City) and they often send executives from Japan here to work for a few years. And one of the first things they all do when they get here is go shooting. And to a strip club.

3 Responses to “That’s a long way to the range”

  1. mikee Says:

    I was fed all sorts of interesting food when my company sent me to Japan, from live prawn to custard with chicken heart in it (all of which I found delicious, except for abalone sushi, which tasted like shoe leather, with a texture to match). I taught the girls at the hostess bar they took me to, trying to get me drunk, and the factory girls and the office girls, to say, “Howdy! Howdy! Howdy!” whenever they saw me.

    In return, I took our Japanese business partners to the greasiest pork BBQ joint in Maryland, and made sure they got to tour the DC Mall in August.

    It was only fair.

  2. Fred Says:

    Guns and half naked white girls? That could catch on.

  3. Firehand Says:

    Local range gets a lot of business from Chinese students and business people taking the opportunity to shoot, and get lots of pictures of themselves shooting.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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