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It’s a start


Report: Regulation Has Essentially Ground to a Halt Under Trump

I wouldn’t call it grinding to a halt. It’s just that there are significantly fewer new regulations being approved since Trump has been elected. But it is a start.

2 Responses to “It’s a start”

  1. Lyle Says:

    No; it’s a start when they start going away, not when the rate of increase sees a brief slowdown.

    It’s like budgeting, when we’re told by the criminally insane that a reduction in the rate of growth is a “draconian cut” when they still get more money this year than they got last year.

    If regulation were to “grind to a halt” then there would be zero regulation, meaning all the regulations passed over the last 120 years or more will have been repealed, and a few million bureaucrats are forced to either produce for a living or turn to a life of the more run-of-the-mill type of crime.

  2. JTC Says:

    Last I heard, The Trumpster issued an EO requiring that for every new reg, two old regs have to be killed off. If that has taken hold, DT isn’t grinding regulation to a halt, he’s shifted it into reverse!

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