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Registration leads to . . .

Someone may have hacked into Florida’s database of carry permit holders. And they may have info on 16,000 gun owners.

9 Responses to “Registration leads to . . .”

  1. Tirno Says:

    Well, I hope that’s 160K taxpayer funded subscriptions of identity theft protection, times three to five years, as a result.

    Yeah, I know that’s the citizens’ money, not the government’s money, but unless the taxpayers figure out how to take it outta the hide of their hired help, they’re going to keep footing the bill for the incompetence/negligence/actual malice of their hirelings.

  2. rickn8or Says:

    “And they may have info on 160,000 gun owners.”


  3. Lyle Says:

    That could never happen; it’s a secure government facility. QED.

  4. Ron W Says:

    Isn’t the State in violation of the 4th Amendment to require and have personal information in order to exercise a right? We have a right to be “secure in our persons, papers and effects”, not to have it illegally in a supposedly “secure” government facility.

  5. Veeshir Says:

    Those Russians surely are busy.

  6. Fred Says:

    Nobody (CIA/NSA/FBI/Deep State) would create a national registration list from data like this would they?

  7. JTC Says:

    Well, it’s 16,000 not 160,000 and they did already pony up for ID theft protection for the several hundred who had their SS #’s grabbed, but still…

    Putnam is from a ranch family just up the road from here, as staunch of a gun rights supporter as you’ll find, and will be the next pretty solidly conservative FL governor. Truth is, any and every database is vulnerable because hackers gonna hack.

    But they can’t hack a database that doesn’t exist…and this one shouldn’t, for reasons way deeper than some Russkie or Chink kid playing on his ‘puter.

  8. rickn8or Says:

    Fred, if I were in the gun-burglary business, I’d refer to this information as a “Shopping List.”

  9. Ron W Says:

    @JTC, “…they can’t hack a database that doesn’t exist…and this one shouldn’t”. Right!!! It’s a criminal act by government to keep such a data base!

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