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Connecticut Bans Civil Forfeiture Without Criminal Conviction

6 Responses to “Good”

  1. Crotalus Says:

    This, from a state that demanded turning in “assault weapons”? I guess the People telling them, “Come and take ’em! We dare ya!” actually meant something.

  2. The other cliff Says:

    So Uncle, what would you do where the bad guy has a heart stack and dies before the jury returns? Does his family get to keep the goods? What about the fugitive from justice? How about foreign kleptocrats who will not come to town for trial?

  3. JTC Says:

    But beady-eyed little twit that Trump inexplicably chose as national police chief plans to overrule that overrule. Not to mention returning to 20-year man-mins for pot…and those things are directly related.

    This shit has more potential to take down DT by turning his own against him than obstruction of fixing immigration, health insrance, and even taxes combined, because this one is his own fucking undoing.

  4. Blounttruth Says:

    But our trusty old AG looks to increase federal civil asset forfeiture post haste.

  5. SPQR Says:

    Other cliff, because those are the most common scenarios . …. not.

  6. The other cliff Says:

    Would it change anyone’s view to know that civil judicial forfeiture at the federal level provides for a trial with the same burden of proof as criminal forfeiture? Criminal forfeiture is part of the sentence, so the burden of proof is preponderance of the evidence. Of course criminal forfeiture does first require a conviction of someone with an interest in the asset to be forfeited, but that interest can be less than full ownership.

    This email does not express an opinion and surely does not express the opinion of my employer.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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