Or can we?
When I was the age millennials are now, there were only a few social issues that I recall people caring much about:
Gun control
Tipper Gore and her war on rap lyrics
Every once in a while some religious person would call for sodomy bans
Gay rights
The crusade against drunk driving
Since I was that age, it seems that most of those matters have been “settled”. I mean, legally. And gun control was a close one. We’re winning but I don’t think we’re about two more court cases away from it being settled. But I digress. A few activists in the other categories just went away. When’s the last time anyone heard from Tipper?
But some stuck around. MADD is now, basically, promoting prohibition.
And the LGBT groups started focusing on the T, which is such a small percentage of the population that I doubt anyone will care. Personally, I don’t have a problem with it. It doesn’t affect me and they’re not bothering me. But I do wonder if it’s a good idea to be all inclusive at what may be the expense of enabling a mental disorder. I digressed again. Sorry about that.
The race baiters and feminist warriors would disagree but I don’t think either of those isms is all that prevalent today. It’s to the extent that they have to make up things like “cultural appropriation” and “privilege”. Those terms are absolutely meaningless to me in anyway. I’m supposed to feel bad because I have “white privilege” and “male privilege”. Fuck right off. No one ever brings up “Asian privilege” or “Jewish privilege”. And those two groups do pretty well in our country. And the whole word salad of words like “triggered”, “safe spaces” and “microaggressions” and other meaningless terms that a whole generation is using kinda frightens me. Because they riot over this stuff. More digressing.
So, some social issues appear to be solved, legally. Some activists go away and some stick around. I mean, the race baiters will never go away. And, show of hands, whenever you see a headline that says some racist or sexist act was committed, do you generally believe it? Or do you think it’s likely fake? Yup, digressed again.
Why do some stick around? I’d posit that it’s because some people make a career out of it. Someone gets paid to advocate for gun control. Same with gun rights. And race baiting and so on. What say you?
I mean, if you’re doing this to make money, why not pick a truly impossible cause like peace in the middle east. Oh, wait.