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News you can use

Fixing your federally regulated gas can. The feds have fucked everything up from car engines to dish detergent. Toilets to shower heads. I’ve written before on the ways I unfuck a lot of my stuff.

7 Responses to “News you can use”

  1. Phelps Says:

    Or, even better, buy some Jerry Cans and a spout.

  2. Donald Trumpenstein Says:

    Look to the racing industry to help out. I use these:

  3. David S. Says:

    VP Racing cans.

  4. aerodawg Says:

    Get some cans that are completely “not for fuel use”

  5. Other Steve Says:

    The good spill free cans are way better for normal use. Don’t buy cheap shit then complain. The shitty cans at the convience store were really bad but now I don’t even think those are that bad.

  6. Jailer Says:

    EZ pour makes spouts and caps for storage to round out the package. One spout kit and a few caps and vents and you can get all your cans working like they should.

  7. JTC Says:

    Lessee, now we pay $20-$30 for no-spill (they mean no-pour) flimsy cans instead of the $10 tough ones with screw-cap vents we used to get, then we get to pay $7 extra for 50-cent pop-top vents with little plastic straps that will break off after a few uses so that every time you sit a full one down you get a nice gas geyser all over you and your truck and rain in your gas if left outside PLUS the fun of installing them, to end up with an inferior product.

    Yeah I’m a little bitter; 8 days of rotating two thirsty generators to the tune of 3 5-gal. cans a day will do that to you…at least three of my 8 cans were the good old pre-ban style.

    Reminds me of selling $8 Glock mags for $80 in the 90’s, I could have probably got a hundred bucks apiece for those old cans…but for about a week there, they were worth a lot more than that to me.

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