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End the war on drugs

And release the POWs.

14-Year Trend of Rising Opioid Deaths Reversed in Colorado After Marijuana Legalization. Yeah, correlation and all that. But this wouldn’t surprise me.

4 Responses to “End the war on drugs”

  1. MrSatyre Says:

    Sure, but the rise in violent crime has gone through the roof thanks to the gangs taking advantage of the homeless and illegals moving in to the area who are producing and consuming the aforementioned Mary J.

  2. JTC Says:

    “What’s the opposite of a gateway drug?”

    Been saying it for decades.

    And that’s before even considering that MrSatyre has it exactly backwards as to cause/effect of violent crime related to the horribly, miserably, tragically failed WOsD.

    Redirect that war to the CRIMINAL gangs, illegals, and smugglers he mentions (there is no such thing as “the homeless”) and see where we are in five years.

    Biggest obstacle to that IMO, is the Trump administration…not Trump himself or the “doubling down” of enforcement the article mentions (note the criminal elements above and their activities -not limited to drugs- are his primary platform plank)…but his beady-eyed weasel of an AG pursuing HIS personal agenda of a proven failed and immeasurably harmful campaign. Dump that little troll and choose a strong Attorney General with a real understanding that drugs in general and marijuana in particular are not the enemy, criminals are, and the misguided and misappropriated war on the former has created and enabled the latter.

  3. Deaf Smith Says:

    Unfortunately the brain damage from pot is well documented. In years coming we will pay for this intentional ‘dumbing down’ of America.

  4. JTC Says:

    @Deaf Smith,

    “…brain damage from pot is well documented.”

    Arguable but as irrelevant to the wod as prohibition of booze, for which there is no argument as to well-documented damage.

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