Archive for October, 2017

October 04, 2017

We must ban springs

Remember way back in 2012 when David Gregory, clearly breaking DC law, held up an AR-15 magazine and showed it to the NRA’s Wayne LaPierre. He held it as though it had some magical killing power. It’s a box with a spring in it. Yup. All the righteous indignation over a box with a spring in it.

Well, the story is the same now only replace box with tube. Bumpfiring is an effective way of turning money into noise. It’s ineffective at shooting accurately. These bumpfire gizmos are basically tubes that go over some part of the gun. And some have springs in them. They’re simple. The loon in Vegas had 12 bumpfire stocks.

So, obviously we must ban them. That law was written by someone who knows absolutely nothing about guns or gun laws. Are we going to ban rubber-bands too? How about shoestrings? A lot of folks can bumpfire without the assistance of a device. It’s not hard. Just takes some practice.

Sounds silly. But ATF has already banned springs, to an extent. Conversion device rules are generally silly.

Now, of all the proposed gun laws the democrats and press (but I repeat myself) are going on about out there, I think this one is most likely to pass due to the hysteria from those ignorant of how these things work. And if it does, the pro-gun side damn well better get something in return. Or the Republicans will lose a lot of voters.


I used to think gun control was the answer. My research told me otherwise

A lot of good stuff there. Essentially, she actually went out and read what pro gun people have been saying on the internet for years. And found out it was true. The internet has really changed the gun debate.

Quote of the day


When women are underrepresented, its a crisis. When men are underrepresented its progress.

So, it’s a day that ends in “Y”

The internet is mostly riddled with “the dumbs

This will be interesting

Trump: ‘We’ll Be Talking About the Gun Laws’

The NRA and a lot of gun rights people put a lot of faith in Trump. Here’s hoping he doesn’t let them down.

Win gun stuff on the internet

Right here

Gun Porn

That looks like fun.

Kurdish Zagros and Şer Anti-Materiel Rifles

October 03, 2017

You don’t say

The Paper of Making Up The Record on the Republican tax plan:

The plan would not benefit lower-income households that do not pay federal income taxes.

Well, it is a federal income tax proposal, genius.

The Ghost Gunner

For all your 80% lower receiver needs:

Appears to do Glocks as well.

You can order one here.


A man was arrested with two machine guns and 900 rounds of ammo in his car. The police make it sound like he was up to no good.

My shocked face

No, really. Someone in the press actually mostly gets it mostly right on machine guns.

Your handgun wouldn’t have made a difference

But some medical equipment and training may have. Like the professor, I keep a trauma kit in my vehicle. And a tourniquet. And water. And some food. And a first aid kit.

You should too.

They do it every time

It’s no big deal. The politico notes, in a shaming tone, that the NRA has gone dark after the shooting. They always do. It’s their opponents that quickly make it political. And NRA waits for the facts to come in.

Yes. Next question.

Can You Still Hear A Suppressed Rifle From 500 Yards Away?

I’ll miss it

Robb Allen hangs up the blog. But he’s still around elsewhere.

But of course

Paul Ryan is no friend to gun owers:

No plans to bring gun silencer bill to House floor, Ryan says

Because of Las Vegas. Or something.

Gun Porn

The Mythical Long Slide P7M13. It’s from 2009 but it’s new to me.

October 02, 2017

Building an non-serialized gun with parts from the internet

Hop on over to E-Bay and get you an AR-15 trigger test jig. Then get a Hera CQR stock. I’m guessing one of those weird California compliant stocks would work two. A zip tie and an AR57 upper and slap it together. Well, that’s what arfcommer backbencher did:

Well, OK. I didn’t know a trigger jig was a thing.

If you thought the Sandy Hook conspiracy theories were too much, just wait

Things that I have, and I shit you not, heard people theorize resulted in the Vegas shooting:

It’s similar a bit in Enemies Foreign and Domestic. Been a while since I read that but OK.

He’s a member of ISIS. I highly doubt it.

And on the various talk radio shows I managed to listen to today:

He wasn’t the shooter. There were other guys in the room doing the shooting. After all, he can’t shoot all 13 to 20 guns at the same time. And he was murdered by those other guys.

He’s terminally ill and Soros paid him money to do this. For gun control. Or so democrats can win. Or something.

He was blackmailed into it. By someone. Not sure who.

I’m sure there will be more.

Talking ’bout my generation

How Generation X Already Changed the Gun Industry (Not That You Noticed)

Shooting in Vegas

I’m sure you already know about it. Last I heard, 58 dead and 515 injured. Usually when the press says fully automatic fire, it’s bullshit or they’re confusing it with semi-auto fire. Based on poor quality cellphone video, I thought the press was correct this time. FoxNews is reporting the shooter had converted AR-15s. The NYT reports there were two scoped rifles as well. Now, it could be editing or echo from surrounding buildings but the bursts seemed to last longer than a burst from astandard magazine. Sebastian noticed this too and did some math. And it’s reported the shooting lasted about 10 minutes. And the police took well over an hour to bust in the guy’s door.

ISIS says this wealthy, retired man with planes is one of theirs. Uh huh. But people are already playing pin the political affiliation on the nut job. A game that always gets played after one of these. And a game nobody wins.

And at CBS, an executive says it happened to people who listen to country music, who are probably racist, Republican Trump supporters. So fuck them. So, now I guess we’re playing pin the political affiliation on the victims too.

I’m holding off on speculating for now. Too much is not known.

Gun Porn

Bond Bullpup

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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