Outrageous. Restraining orders only work on the law-abiding.
This is what you get when the police are TOO concerned about being friendly with the community. They gave up confronting the guy because be wouldn’t come to the door.
“Besides that they’ve already shown that they have no legal obligation to protect anyone from anything.” –Amazed!
So the politicians set about to restrict or deny anyone else but themselves, the right of armed self defense. And failing or refusing to enforce current laws which would actually stop restricted persons from legally acquiring weapons, they want to enact more against us.
November 16th, 2017 at 10:44 pm
Outrageous. Restraining orders only work on the law-abiding.
This is what you get when the police are TOO concerned about being friendly with the community. They gave up confronting the guy because be wouldn’t come to the door.
November 17th, 2017 at 6:37 pm
The Powers What Am would rather not hassle heavily-armed crazies. Better to go after jay walkers and set up speed traps.
November 19th, 2017 at 3:00 pm
Besides that they’ve already shown that they have no legal obligation to protect anyone from anything. Seems legit.
November 20th, 2017 at 12:45 pm
“Besides that they’ve already shown that they have no legal obligation to protect anyone from anything.” –Amazed!
So the politicians set about to restrict or deny anyone else but themselves, the right of armed self defense. And failing or refusing to enforce current laws which would actually stop restricted persons from legally acquiring weapons, they want to enact more against us.