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They have all those gun laws there:

With 25,339 murders in 2017, Mexico suffers record homicide tally

2 Responses to “Unpossible”

  1. Lyle Says:

    Did all the honest, hard-working Mexicans move to the U.S. then? If we have them all up here already, we’d best close the doors.

    Hey, why is it that the U.S. Isn’t being accused of stealing all the honest, hard workers from Mexico? Surely we’re very guilty of that, to the terrible detriment of Mexico. Or is the U.S. guilty of not stopping the drug trade out of Mexico, thereby leaving poor Mexico to deal with an ever-creasing drug cartel problem.

    Any way you look at it, the U.S. is surely the guilty party, because it would be racist (we are told) to blame Mexicans for anything bad that happens in Mexico. It must therefore be considered axiomatic that nothing that goes wrong south of the Rio Grande can ever be blamed on anyone who lives South of the Rio Grande.

    Further, anyone who is suffering must blame the nearest person having a lighter skin tone than the person suffering. So you combine the Rio Grande culpability border with the skin tone culpability test, and therein, in all cases, lies your answer. If you’re darker and/or south of the border, you’re a victim. If you’re lighter and/or north of the border, you’re to blame.

    I think I understand now.

  2. JK Brown Says:

    But remember, lest you be a racist, that no killers or rapists illegally cross into the US from Mexico.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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