Use a holster
A man was shot when he dropped a bag containing a gun. Use a holster, people.
A Santa Fe survivor and CNN (believe it or not) press Pelosi on armed security at schools noting that the building they were in had armed guards. And Pelosi’s office does too.
Former anti-gunner now pro-gun and NRA member: Why I Joined the NRA After Writing Gun Control Articles
Life in the future:
CNN: Kim Kardashian shouldn’t be discussing prison reform policy.
Also CNN: Let’s talk to a bunch of freaked out teenagers about gun policy.
I’ve yammered on before about how bureaucrats and regulations make things suck. The government has screwed up washing machines, gas cans, automobile engines, shower heads, toilets, diesel exhaust systems, box cutters, matches, and on and on and on. So, I concur #MakeDishwashersGreatAgain
But it’s not impossible:
Theres a pin in the triggers of Glocks that keeps the safety in place, and the pin had actually worked itself out to the side of the gun to the point that it was sticking out far enough that when he stuck (the gun) in the holster, the pin caught the edge of the holster and pulled the trigger back
Someone who knows more about Glock innards want to weight in?
Two good guys, each with a gun:
Oklahoma restaurant shooter had license as armed guard; attack stopped by 2 armed men
Unpossible. I’m told by supposed “gun safety experts” that if there are multiple people with guns, then the good guys might shoot at each other or bystanders.
Was not a supporter of the guy, but he’s doing some things I’m OK with:
First, some idiot judge says: Knives are too sharp and filing them down is solution to soaring violent crime. And these people used to be an empire.
An activist was jailed for recording outside of courtroom proceedings. Then a judge ordered a media blackout of his arrest.
I mentioned the idiot that said civilian gun culture was dysfunctional and the po po and military guys were good because of training. Tam takes him to the woodshed:
As a matter of fact, Mike, I’m pretty comfortable making the statement that I probably expend more ammunition in any given month than you did in your entire seven year career, since you likely never busted a cap outside of required qualifications.
Another from those highly qualified because of training.
Let the adults talk: 12 Surprisingly Offensive Words You Need to Erase from Your Vocabulary
The ongoing shotgun noob series:
Having put the extended magazine on the Beretta 1301, I went out and shot another 75 rounds through it. Everything was going well until about 30 or so rounds in when this cluster happened:
The slide locked back and didn’t chamber the next round. And then I hit the shell eject button, launching two shells below the chamber. The latter being my fault, the former a gun failure. And then, I did it again a few rounds later:
The 1301 has a bizarre way to unload it. You can see it here (language warning). And I apparently did that after the gun didn’t cycle.
And I took it completely apart for some reason. And it’s complicated to re-assemble.
So far, I like the gun. I’ve just got to get better at running it.
A former military guy, who is an idiot, writes:
The Texas school shooting reminds America what vets already know: civilian gun culture is a dysfunctional mess
Compared to the weapons training that military and law enforcement personnel undergo, the training required of civilian gun owners is a joke.
Most vets are part of the gun culture, sparky. And, as for police and military, let’s review:
These are the ones I can recall. I’m sure there’s more. Add your favorite in comments.
Congress Approves ‘Right to Try’ Bill for Critically Ill
President expected to sign legislation allowing earlier access to experimental medication.
Im renaming my AR-15s MS13s so the Democrats will protect them.
— Just Jenn (@JennJacques) May 22, 2018
In a reversal of past interpretation, they are now saying guns with braces on folding stocks are Any Other Weapons.
ATF can’t keep the gun laws straight.
Right after Sandy Hook, the Obama admin emails show they planned to push gun control while people were still emotional.
Trump signs the biggest rollback of bank rules since the financial crisis
I have to admit, sometimes he does something good.
A DEA statement says authorities were looking for 27-year-old Monte Lamar Brewer Jr., a suspect in the 2017 death of a pregnant woman and a target in an ongoing heroin investigation. Instead, they raided Spencer Rencks household.
The father of four says a team busted through the front door, threw flash bangs, knocked pictures off walls, damaged the ceiling and burned holes through clothes and carpet.
Renck wrote on Facebook that he does not understand how agents got the wrong house.
For the past several years, I’ve only really shot AR-15s and black plastic guns. Then this got boring. So, I switched it up a bit. I grabbed a Ruger Match Champion to shoot and had a blast. Then, I’ve recently became a Shotgun Noob. This past week, I decided I’d break out the old Ruger 10/22 and sight it in for some tree rat hunting. After a few rounds sighting it in, this happened:
Two out of three of the BX25 magazines went tango uniform, as did one out of two original factory magazines. Now, I had stored them loaded for a while but not long enough that I think it would have caused this. The one on the left, the bullets will not budge. The other two, the springs aren’t bringing the follower up. Any ideas?
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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