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The Texas shooter used a shotgun and a revolver. This kind of harshed the media narrative.

And some good journalisming from USA Today calling the guns less lethal. Pepper spray is less lethal, you idiots. Not shotguns and revolvers. Depending on the range, the shotty is more lethal.

9 Responses to “Narrative”

  1. Lyle Says:

    You’re saying the shooter may have been influenced by Joe Biden’s advice then?

  2. Lyle Says:

    Revolvers are more suited to the powerful magnum cartridges, compared to a typical self-loader, so…more lethal? I mean, nine millimeter Para or 44 Magnum? How about a 500 S&W Magnum? Media-tards ought to be able to have some fun with THAT football.

    Of course, if they ever got their way with semi-auto pistols, ARs, and such, they’d suddenly realize that hunting rifles, and many revolvers, are far more powerful. So they’ll have to put off knowing that until they’ve gotten more bans on the lighter stuff.

  3. John W Ellis III Says:

    “There are more registered weapons in Texas than in any other state, according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, though some smaller states have more guns per capita.”

    They left out “NFA” in their “registered weapons”. Every other count I have seen on all guns puts left-favored California out front for total guns per state.

  4. Huck Says:

    “USA Today calling the guns less lethal”

    Lethal is lethal. Anything that can kill you, will kill you. Suggestion; In the future just say “journalists”. “Idiot” is inclusive.

  5. Ron W Says:

    “…they’d suddenly realize that hunting rifles, and many revolvers, are far more powerful” –Lyle

    The author of “Boston’s Gun Bible”, an excellent book for any gunner BTW, wrote that if the gun banners really knew anything about guns, they would be trying to ban scoped, high powered (hunting) rifles.

  6. Will Says:


    they are aware of that. They don’t want to upset the hunting folks. Yet. There are a hell of a lot of them. They are looking to eliminate the other categories first, and then they will work on reducing the capabilities of hunting rifles. All to make things safer for the gun-grabbers and tyranny proponents (but I repeat myself).

  7. pkoning Says:

    Then again, in various bills proposed to ban “semi auto weapons”, the wording clearly include DA revolvers as well. After all, those are semi-auto, too, even if we don’t usually use that term with revolvers.

  8. Huck Says:

    “if the gun banners really knew anything about guns, they would be trying to ban scoped, high powered (hunting) rifles.”

    A few years back the media swine and gungrabbers (but I repeat myself) were squealing about “Deadly Sniper Rifles” in reference to scoped hunting rifles. I don’t remember what sparked it off.

  9. Ron W Says:

    @Will, I think you’re probably right, especially re: the gun grabbing tyrants feeling safe and they’ll need some event for the reactionary effect which shouldn’t be too difficult to pull off.

    @Huck, was it that father and son perping several shootings around the suburbs of Washington D.C. ?

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