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This again

Every couple of years someone writes up a piece on how to drop a deuce while carrying a gun. Here’s the latest.

3 Responses to “This again”

  1. Lyle Says:

    Take care of that business in the morning, before leaving home. Then it doesn’t matter. Problem solved. You’re welcome.

  2. Rich Says:

    Lyle: Total agreement, this has never failed me.

  3. rd Says:

    Lyle: Be glad you do not have a condition like Crohn’s Disease. When it is flaring up, sometimes it is a close run thing that you find the bathroom in time for the third or fourth time in a day, for the second week running (pardon the pun).

    You learn to adapt. You scout facilities for plumbing just like you look for exits and threats. And you remember advice like this.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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