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Internet Sales Tax at the Supreme Court


9 Responses to “Internet Sales Tax at the Supreme Court”

  1. Lyle Says:

    Their corruption must be funded somehow.

  2. Fred Says:

    Well the commerce clause has torn up and used for ass wipe anyway. Not surprising that the SCOTUS has gone full Lincoln.

  3. mikee Says:

    Look for web sales to gravitate to states and localities with low taxes. If I can save $5 on a $100 purchase by clicking “Buy from Nebraska” instead of “Buy from California” I’m gonna click the hell out of Nebraska.

  4. qmony Says:

    They already tax internet purchases.

  5. Ravenwood Says:


    It depends on how they implement it. Amazon taxes me by the state in which I live, not the state in which the merchant (or Amazon) lives.

    Knowing how government works, we’ll get taxed twice. Once by the state where the merchant resides, and again by our home state.

  6. Sigivald Says:

    How did Murray get “California can tax you” from that decision?

    California can make you, an online seller, collect CA sales tax if you sell to California, now, per this decision, as I understand it from every other source.

    That’s a burden, yes, but … not on a generic “you”.

    Not a Commerce Clause issue either, since there’s nothing related to Congress here, and there’s an obvious nexus of State concern – the purchaser is in the State in question and is taking delivery there.

  7. Will Says:

    Sales tax in not just set by state, but by county and city in a lot of areas.
    There are about 3000 counties.
    There are about 89,000 local governments.
    Lots of them add sales tax to state taxes.
    You will have to have a tax listing by zip code at a minimum. Most places require a prior application to gather taxes for that entity. I expect that Amazon has an entire tax department to handle this situation. No wonder they have been pushing this. This may put a lot of people out of business, as the cost will be prohibitive for a small business.

  8. Mike Voncannon Says:

    This will really hurt small online sites and might bring back a return to mail order

  9. JTC Says:

    Kill sales tax completely. And most especially kill any effort toward a national sales tax (NST), Fair Tax (ha!), or a so-called value added tax (VAT) as the absurdity and corruption already evidenced here will be magnified one hundred fold by such hairbrained proposals.

    Replace all taxes with a tithe on 100% of all income with 0% exemption on any of it and watch the new money roll in, sufficent for all fed, state, and local needs. Like that’s gonna happen.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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