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The most busted name in news

CNN should really be careful with nonsense like this or it will get someone killed: What you need to know about ‘stand your ground’ laws

Quite a few whoppers in there, such as:

Generally, “stand your ground” laws allow people to respond to threats or force without fear of criminal prosecution.

No, they don’t. Then this:

Most self-defense laws state that a person under threat of physical injury has a “duty to retreat.” If after retreating the threat continues, the person may respond with force.

I assume they meant states because that is not worded well. But it’s followed by:

While most states provide some form of legal protection in cases of self-defense, 25 have enacted “stand your ground” laws

Ugh. Don’t take legal advice from CNN. Or me for that matter.

2 Responses to “The most busted name in news”

  1. mikee Says:

    Today NPR had a longish discussion on “stand your ground” laws as part of their Legacy of Trayvon Martin homily. They, too, had a successful demonization of the idea of self defense being, you know, legal and moral.

    Once may be coincidence. Twice is suspect. Three is enemy action.

    Where else is SYG law under ridicule/demonization/misstatement in the Leftist media right now? NBC, Slate, Christian Science Monitor, all have articles decrying self defense law right now.

    Journolist lives? Or sick minds just think alike?

  2. JTC Says:

    Institutional racism masquerading as virtue signalling.

    Reversal of races in this case and they would be howling for posthumous assault charges on the dead guy and his estate would be sued for causing mental distress other guy leading to his own justifiable death.

    Not that the actual shooter in this case should be shielded by SYG or that the shooting was justified; he shouldn’t and it wasn’t. But still.

    Nor was Zimmerman/Martin an SYG case. And while Z was absolutely justified in killing that little thug as his head was being pounded on the concrete, his own actions prior might have precluded it as well as ending his own life for all intent and purpose.

    Neither was a case of SYG and neither was helpful to the cause of that excellent law and those of us who might God forbid be forced to employ it.

    But back to my original point, yeah racism. Else there’d be permanent bureaus in the badlands of Chitown to cover the constant (but non-existent) protests and memorials.

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