Gun Porn
|3 Comments | Link to this post | By SayUncle |
Back in nineteen aught eleventy three, I first started carrying a handgun. Back in those days, there weren’t clueful people on the internet to hash out better ways of doing things. Generally, you got advice from:
1) Gun magazines that never reviewed a bad gun in their existence.
2) Old guys who said they were ex-military and the gun they used in whatever war was the best gun ever. And these guys were largely full of it.
3) Friends, who meant well, but were clueless like you.
4) Police and military guys.
There wasn’t a any sort of competition scene around at the time that I knew of. So, this was it. Among my gun-toting friends (three of us), we all decided to carry guns used either by police or federal agents. My other friends carried Glock Fo-tays and I opted for a SigP229 in 9mm. I probably would have gotten the Glock except I was still concerned about light trigger pull and no manual safety. Boy, was I wrong.
My friends didn’t know any better and had cheap holsters. I had guidance from my dad to get a decent holster. It was a Galco holster the resembled this one. And I carried it AIWB. Or as we called it then “Mexican carry”.
I carried this way for a few reasons that I thought were good. Such as it was easier to conceal; easier to access; and with the style of clip on the holster, I could remove it when I was driving. The first two ideas are sound. That last one is dumb.
Then, the internet happened and clue was being delivered directly to my house. I started doing what everyone else who seemed knowledgeable did: I carried a black plastic gun that held a lot of BBs at the 3:00 position in a Kydex holster. And I still do that a lot of the time.
But, lately, AIWB has been making a comeback. And I am now carrying the same SigP229 that I first carried. In a Kydex holster made for AIWB. It’s like carry has come full circle except now I know how dumb it is to take a gun off while driving and that you can put your seat belt under the gun handle for safety.
And I only bring all this up because I read this: Traditional Double Action Autopistols for CCW Carry
But in case you don’t: The ATF Explains the Law Surrounding 3D-Printed Guns
Hint, there really aren’t any.
A piece on how Rand Paul and Mike Lee stopped a ban on publishing files for 3D printing guns with some NRA bashing. The NRA has kept mostly quiet on the issue other than saying the fears of untraceable guns were unfounded because those are already banned.
Looks more like a chest-puffing from NAGR, who suck.
Unpossible, they have all that gun control: 66 shot, 12 fatally, in Chicago weekend shootings
Fitting that this happened the weekend they were celebrating Barack Obama Day.
Glenn Jacobs, Professional Wrestler and Libertarian, Wins His Race for Mayor
He will be mayor of Knox County next month.
Unfortunately, common sense is just not common. We have to regulate every aspect of people’s lives.
This is what they think of you. Petty, would-be tyrants.
This hysterical piece of doom and gloom about the NRA’s financial situation has all the hyperbole. I mean, it couldn’t be that the NRA is filing a lawsuit and needs to show damages or anything, right?
I have no problem with this: Hardline U.S. ‘gundamentalists’ pressure NRA from within
Best Survival Guns for Preppers: Handguns, Shotguns, and Rifles
I would also add a decent revolver may be useful. During a zombie apocalypse, magazines will be scarce and they are a wear item.
Is It *Really* Impossible To Get A Gun License in NYC?
If the city has anything to do with it, then yes.
This is pretty awesome. The segment near the end with Cody Wilson was gold. He basically told the pearl-clutching news guy “because fuck you that’s why” in a reasonably polite way:
And, at least on the surface, gets it right that the 80% DIY market is actually a real thing.
[The State] threatened NRA’s insurance carrier into cutting off its insurance, sent letters to all New York insurers and banking institutions urging them to cut NRA off, violated its first amendment rights, deprived it of equal protection of the laws, and engaged in tortious interference with business relationships
It’s all a big lie. You cannot print a fully functional AR-15 on a 3D printer. But that doesn’t stop the hysteria. It’s all irrelevant because it’s already out there. And, even though this was taken down, it’s back up.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
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