Archive for April, 2019

April 02, 2019

Gun Porn

90 caseless shots in 10x24mm.

April 01, 2019

I hope it goes that far

The Anti’s Are Getting Worried About A Supreme Court Case


Donald Trump’s Bump Stock Ban Turns Peaceful Gun Owners Into Felons by FiatThe ban, which took effect this week, usurps congressional authority by rewriting an inconvenient law.

Ah, the internet

So, here’s a breathless piece about “gun porn”. I’m laughing that a term I invented is giving someone a case of the vapors.

Welcome to America

A judge has ruled the California magazine restrictions unconstitutional.

Via Joe, where I saw this too:

A fucking southern California Latin American judge just cited fighting Communism as a valid reason for owning standard capacity magazines and has just struck down Californias magazine size limit ban.WHAT FUCKING DIMENSION DID I JUST ENTER INTO?


The Bee:

Hey, remember that shooting in Vegas?

Turns out, the ATF was only allowed to look at the guns and not disassemble them. And concluded nothing on the exterior indicated the were machine guns.

Gun Porn

Brownells semi auto minigun

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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