Archive for August, 2019

August 06, 2019

You mean he broke gun laws too!

The Dayton shooter had a short barreled rifle.

Let the conspiracy theories begin!


Why are anti-gun activists so violent?

A group of anti gunners was outside protesting and said Just Stab the Motherf*cker in the Heart!

Gun Porn

New stuff from Beretta.

August 05, 2019


Mexico wants to sue the US over the El Paso shooting. Tam said it better than I could.

The mass shooting you didn’t hear a bout

48 people shot in Chicago this weekend. Two of them were anti gun crime activists.

Same old song and dance

A couple of mass shootings occurred over the weekend which meant that people immediately started playing their favorite game of “pin the political label on the nutcase”. Followed by calls to take guns away from all the people who didn’t shoot anyone.

This is what they did last time and what they will do next time.

In Dayton, the shooter was stopped by a good guy with a gun in 24 seconds. He also wore eye and ear pro.

The El Paso shooter was stopped by a good guy with a gun too. Another good guy with a gun rushed children to safety.

See a trend?

Gun Porn

Colt 901 in the wild

August 01, 2019


So, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee just fired half of its staff. Because they were white.

Life in the future

Worlds first ever human-monkey hybrid grown in lab in China

Ugh. Does it have two asses?*

* And if you get that joke, I tire of nature and its one-assed schematics.

National Shooting Sports Month

Presidential Message on National Shooting Sports Month, 2019

Having recently turned hundreds of thousands of law-abiding people into felons, I kinda question his sincerity.


In TN, marijuana is illegal. However, the state’s retirement system invested in marijuana stocks.

Your body, your choice

NJ is the latest state to allow assisted suicide.

Gun Porn


Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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