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Darwin got his

Booby traps are stupid and illegal.

One Response to “Darwin got his”

  1. ExpatNJ Says:

    Theft is illegal, too.

    I won’t condone nor condemn anti-personnel devices to protect ones home, property, or possessions.

    BUTT (big ‘but’ here), it took the owner’s self-denial, time, blood, sweat, and tears to accumulate their home, property, or possessions. And, therefore, the thief actually steals (damages/threatens) some of the owner’s life, albeit indirectly.

    The Captain would suggest a thief be made to pay the owner back 3x (Biblical law). I won’t disagree, if: 1) the thief can be identified/captured/convicted, 2) the 3x sentence is enforced, and 3) the property stolen was not irreplaceable (one-of-a-kind, etc).

    That’s a whole lotta ‘if’s.

    So, maybe Briney was right; he should’ve aimed higher.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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