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Bloomberg all in on the gun control

Michael Bloomberg rolls out gun control plan, blames politicians for looking ‘the other way’

Bloomberg Fumbles Facts, Laws in Gun-Control Policy Rollout

The Michael Bloomberg Speech He Doesnt Want You To Hear

So, even if you’re pro gun control, will they vote for a boob who regulated the size of sodas and what sorts of oils restaurants can use?

4 Responses to “Bloomberg all in on the gun control”

  1. pkoning Says:

    The sort of people who want to disarm us often want to do other things to us, too. In fact, as has been pointed out by a number of people in the past, you should ask what it is they want to do to us that they can’t safely do if we haven’t been disarmed first.
    So it makes perfect sense that victim disarmers would want to vote for a bonapartist who wants to regulate our fast food.

  2. Ravenwood Says:

    In Bloomberg’s case, it’s much easier to stop and frisk people if you’ve disarmed them first.

    This is the guy who’s outright admitted that his nanny laws are aimed at the poor and minorities. He has zero chance. That and given he’s only 5′ tall he’ll look like an elf on the stage.

  3. rickn8or Says:

    Ravenwood, Bloomberg’s purpose is not to win; his purpose is to put out a barrage of anti-Trump ads to help the other Democrat candidate win, in which case Bloomberg is appointed to the most damaging job possible.

  4. Ron W Says:

    And the cowardly, hypocritical video Bloomberg doesn’t want you to see as he hides from a reporter’s question behind his armed security:

    Let him disarm himself! No, he wants to take from us what he has and keeps for himself.

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