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In Bloomberg bought VA

So, the governor of WV is cool annexing all of the second amendment sanctuary cities in VA. Good for him.

8 Responses to “In Bloomberg bought VA”

  1. Old NFO Says:

    It’s getting interesting… 🙂

  2. mikee Says:

    When the frogs became crowded and dissatisfied with self government in their mud puddle, they asked the gods for a king. Zeus threw a log into the puddle, thinking that all the frogs needed was a symbolic leader to calm themselves.

    The frogs were not happy, though, and continued to complain that they needed a real king. So Zeus sent a heron to their puddle to rule over them. Every day the King Heron ate frog after frog, until it was full.

    Soon the remaining frogs realized they had been better off with a log for a king, and even better off (and more populous) before they had asked for a king at all. But King Heron went on eating them up, day after day, until they were all gone.

    When the people of Virginia realize that they have gotten themselves a heron for a king, it will be far too late to do anything about it.

  3. Standard Mischief Says:

    Not remotely realistic of course. You would have to secede from the Union. Then not have that secession recognized by the President. Wage war. Have the President recognize a different gang claiming to be the legitimate government. Hold a special election in those counties wanting to move, and perhaps have the President send troops to the polling places to make sure everyone voted “correctly”.

    Then all you have to do is hope everyone ignores Article IV, Section 3, Clause 1 long enough so when it’s inevitably brought up in court it gets dropped under the longstanding legal principle of “tough titties, you should have said something sooner”.

  4. Siergen Says:

    I read another article which said that certain VA counties were given the option to join West Virginia in the wake of the Civil War. Some voted no immediately, but a couple never held the authorized vote, and apparently still have the option to do so. Unfortunately, my county is not one of the specified counties.

  5. Dave Says:

    Well, a separation of some kind is likely the most practical type of solution. Problem is, leftists don’t have a live and let live bone in their bodies. If you don’t march in lockstep with their ideas, you are classified as inhuman scum, and any actions on their part against you are justified.
    You’re no doubt familiar with the Bernie bro that’s a big fan of gulags

  6. Steve Says:

    I live in WV so if you move from VA to WV here is what you get, better gun laws but that is not all, you also get:

    An increase in your waist line since we are number one for obesity. Number one in the nation for Opioid addiction deaths. Higher risk of heart diseases, cancer and diabetes.Your income will drop significantly.You car insurance will double. Life expectancy decreases. Last but no least, we are first in the nation for accidental deaths.

  7. rickn8or Says:

    Steve, you’re just trying to discourage Virginians from becoming West-By-God-ers, much the same way Texans try to discourage Californians from moving there.

  8. Bram Says:

    Can Warren and Sussex counties join PA?

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