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Ah, the creation science of the gun control movement

We’ve been through this before but someone is once asserting that the second amendment doesn’t say what it says. This mythology has been refuted at just about every level of government and the rules of grammar.

5 Responses to “Ah, the creation science of the gun control movement”

  1. mikee Says:

    The truth starts putting on shoes while the lie runs round the world. He advocates the elimination of the 2nd Amendment, not the support of militias, so I don’t think even he believes what he is saying and writing.

  2. pkoning Says:

    Yet another illiterate “professor”.
    A nice very detailed refutation of his nonsense can be found in Neil Schulman’s excellent book “Stopping Power” (which can be found on-line).

  3. Huck Says:

    He (Lichtman) was also a consultant for Sen. Ted Kennedy and presidential candidate Al Gore.

  4. Huck Says:

    He (Lichtman) was also a consultant for Sen. Ted Kennedy and presidential candidate Al Gore.

    That tells me all I need to know about that clown.

  5. Ravenwood Says:

    Talk about having it backwards..

    “He compares the potential to repeal the Second Amendment with the past repeal of prohibition.”

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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