Another update
Apparently, comments now must be approved. That has been done. Sorry about all that.
Apparently, comments now must be approved. That has been done. Sorry about all that.
Today, this blog turned 21. I came by for a bit yesterday (for the first time in a while) and noticed it’s been infected with spam links. So, sorry about that. They links don’t actually show up but are embedded as bad code, it appears. I’ll try to fix it.
Anyway, hope whoever may happen by isn’t too annoyed and thanks for popping in.
Is this thing still on?
Seems like a pretty big deal to me that DC has been ordered to pay $5.1M to residents and non-residents who were arrested under their unconstitutional gun laws.
Given that this may have impacted 3,000 or so people, the number seems a bit low.
Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.
Uncle Pays the Bills
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